Contraceptive Implants in the Private Sector:
Analyses, global recommendations
and country roadmaps
Despite the success of contraceptive implant introduction in the public sector, implant provision by the private sector remains underutilized. Jhpiego and Impact for Health undertook literature reviews, key informant interviews, and stakeholder workshops to:
Outline a set of global barriers and recommendations to support global and/or country stakeholders in expanding
private-sector contraceptive implant service delivery. -
Develop Country Roadmaps for private sector provision of contraceptive implants in Kenya and Pakistan, building on the findings from the global review.
Kenya’s Contraceptive Implants Market Analysis Report
This landscape analysis describes the contraceptive implant market in Kenya. Informed by key informant interviews and an in-depth literature review, the report outlines key market constraints for the private sector provision of contraceptive implants in Kenya.
Pakistan's Contraceptive Implants Market Analysis Report
This landscape analysis describes the contraceptive implant market in Pakistan. Informed by key informant interviews and an in-depth literature review, the report outlines key market constraints for the private sector provision of contraceptive implants in Pakistan.
Kenya’s Roadmap for Provision of Contraceptive Implants in the Private Sector
Co-created by key stakeholders across Kenya’s family planning value chain and informed by the Market Analysis Report, this Roadmap documents a pathway for private sector provision of contraceptive implants in support of FP2030 goals in Kenya.
Punjab, Pakistan’s Roadmap for Provision of Contraceptive Implants in the Private Sector
Co-created by key stakeholders across Punjab, Pakistan’s family planning value chain and informed by the Market Analysis Report, this Roadmap documents a pathway for private sector provision of contraceptive implants in support of FP2030 goals in Punjab.
Infographic: Kenya's Roadmap for Private Sector Provision of Contraceptive Implants
The infographic visually depicts the key market constraints, strategic vision and accompanying goals, priorities and interventions to motivate and expand provision of Contraceptive Implants (CI) in the private sector as a part of the method mix in support of FP 2030 goals in Kenya.
Infographic: Punjab, Pakistan's Roadmap for Private Sector Provision of Contraceptive Implants
The infographic visually depicts the key market constraints, strategic vision and accompanying goals, priorities and interventions to motivate and expand provision of Contraceptive Implants (CI) in the private sector as a part of the method mix in support of FP 2030 goals in Punjab, Pakistan.
Summary Report: Kenya's Roadmap for Private Sector Provision of Contraceptive Implants
This report provides a high-level summary of Kenya's Roadmap for Private Sector Provision of Contraceptive Implants. It outlines the key market constraints, market goals, strategic priorities and interventions to expand private sector provision of contraceptive implants in Kenya.
Summary Report: Punjab, Pakistan's Roadmap for Private Sector Provision of Contraceptive Implants
This report provides a high-level summary of Punjab, Pakistan's Roadmap for Private Sector Provision of Contraceptive Implants. It outlines the key market constraints, market goals, strategic priorities and interventions to expand private sector provision of contraceptive implants in Punjab, Pakistan.
Private Sector Engagement for Contraceptive Implant Service Delivery
Informed by a rapid literature review and key informant interviews with donors, implementing partners and former healthcare providers, this comprehensive deck shares an analysis of the barriers, opportunities and recommendations to expanding coverage of contraceptive implants through the private sector.
5 Steps to a Healthy Private Sector Market
for Implants
Recognizing that achieving a healthy private sector can take several steps and routes, this summary provides one possible combination of steps to strengthen private sector engagement for a healthy private sector market for contraceptive implants.