MSI Reproductive Choices
OCT 2023 - JUNE 2024

Safe Abortion Strategy Revision
IHI collaborated with MSI Reproductive Choices to revise their global strategy for Safe Abortion and Post-Abortion Care. Our comprehensive support began with conducting an extensive context assessment, utilizing both internal and external analyses, and gathering insights through key informant interviews. We facilitated a learning workshop and conducted a follow-up validation session to confirm and refine the workshop insights and strategy draft.
JUNE 2022 - JAN 2024

Private provider engagement model landscape
IHI and MSI Reproductive Choices conducted an investment review, performing a detailed landscape analysis of Private Sector Engagement (PSE) models. Our team identified key opportunities and challenges, provided insights to bridge the gap between current conditions and future goals, and generated practical recommendations for next steps. Our work culminated in a comprehensive Strategic Insights Report, which has been instrumental in shaping MSI’s country-level strategies and is now guiding global vision and strategy setting.