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Contraceptive Implant Scale-Up:
Lessons from and tips for contraceptive implant introduction and scale-up

Jhpiego and Impact for Health undertook rapid literature reviews and key informant interviews with experts in the contraceptive implant and family planning field, to better understand programmatic learnings, tips, best practices and challenges for implant introduction and scale-up in the public sector. The results of this review led to the development of a series of products for continued learning and sharing.

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Want to learn more about implants?
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Explore our filling cabinet of resources on programmatic learnings, tips, best practices, and challenges on contraceptive implant introduction and scale-up.

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This infographic articulates best practices and lessons learned for implant service delivery and scale-up, and are contextualized within the Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability and Quality (AAAQ) framework. 

Top 10 Tips and Tricks
to Scaling up Implants

Journey to

Scaling Contraceptive Implants

This infographic shares key moments in history that have expanded access to contraceptive implants and contributed to the increasing trend of implants procured globally.

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A Decade of Learning in Contraceptive Implant Introduction and Scale-Up

Informed by a rapid literature review and key informant interviews with donors, implementing partners and healthcare providers, this learning synthesis aims to articulate the best practices and lessons learned in the ‘story’ of implant introduction and scale-up over the past decade.

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