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Scaling up Contraceptive Implants

Interactive Filing Cabinet

Explore our filling cabinet of resources on programmatic learnings, tips, best practices, and challenges on contraceptive implant introduction and scale-up. Scroll through the different tabs (Implants, LARCs, Implants Task Sharing and Private Sector Engagement) to learn more about these topics and what global and national initiatives have taken place over the years to increase access to implants and other contraceptives.

Expanding long-acting contraceptive options: a prospective cohort study of the hormonal intrauterine device, copper intrauterine device, and implants in Nigeria and Zambia

This study aims to understand women’s experiences and satisfaction using the hormonal intrauterine device, copper intrauterine device, and implants in private sector in Nigeria and the public sector in Zambia. The study found high continuation rates and satisfaction across these methods across a 12-month period.

Trends and factors influencing long-acting contraceptive utilisation among contraceptive users in Ethiopia: repeated cross-sectional study

This study aims to understand the trends and factors influencing long-acting contraception (LAC) utilisation among contraceptive users in Ethiopia. Results of the study showed an increase in proportion of implant users, alongside differences in overall LAC uptake among women based on factors, such as wealth quintiles, healthcare provider influence and place of service delivery, such as public or private hospitals.

Adherence to Swedish national recommendations for long acting reversible contraceptive provision at the time of medical abortion

This study aims to assess whether abortion clinics in Sweden follow national guidelines regarding early insertion of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) after medical abortions. Results found that less than half of abortion clinics fully adhere to guidelines.

Cross-sectional assessment of government health center needs to implement long-acting reversible contraception services in rural Rwanda 

This study finds that to successfully implement family planning counselling (FPC) and LARC services in rural health centres, maternal and human resource capacity for LARC provision, provider training and follow-up supervision and awareness of LARC methods needs to be increased for scale up.

Expanding long-acting and permanent contraceptive use in sub-Saharan Africa to meet FP2020 goals  

This article discusses how Marie Stopes International (MSI) employed various service delivery approaches to expand access to LARCs, resulting in an increase in implant uptake by 853.4%.

Increasing LARC Uptake In Kenya Through Improved Demand Creation Strategies And Provider Support: Best Practices from the Women's Health Project 2009-2014 

This two-pager hand-out shares best practices from Kenya’s Women’s Health Project from 2009-2014 for increasing LARC uptake.

Findings and Lessons Learned From Strengthening the Provision of Voluntary Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives With Postabortion Care in Guinea

This study finds that integrating voluntary long-acting contraceptive (LARC) methods within postabortion care (PAC)in Guinea increased uptake among PAC clients compared to non-PAC clients.

From uptake to access: a decade of learning from the ACOG LARC program 

This article shares lessons learned by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and notes key lessons learned such as centering patient preference and autonomy, developing evidence-based guidelines, and collaborating with local champions, among other lessons.

Lessons from the Contraceptive CHOICE Project: the Hull long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) initiative

This article describes whether an imitative to distribute a hand-out describing the benefits of intrauterine contraceptives (IUCs) and implants would have an effect on uptake in Hill, UK. The project resulted in poor implementation and little impact on uptake.

Adolescents and Long-Acting Reversible Contraception: Lessons from Mexico

This study aims to assess whether knowledge on contraceptive methods were associated with current use of LARCs. It finds that knowledge of LARCS was strongly associated with LARC use, and that overall LARC use is also associated with marriage, with it being high particularly among adolescents who reported having a pregnancy.

Current barriers and potential strategies to increase the use of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) to reduce the rate of unintended pregnancies in Australia: An expert roundtable discussion 

This article shares an overview of the barriers to LARC use and opportunities to address these barriers in Australia. Three overarching barriers present themselves: (1) lack of evidence-based research on contraceptive prescription; (2) Lack of familiarity of LARCS and misperceptions around use; (3) lack of access to general practitioner who is trained in insertion and removals and affordability.

Peer-reviewed journals

Grey Literature 

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